Trio Kamosc toured North America in the fall of 2005 which resulted in the cd, kamosc, being released by Montreal's Red Toucan label in May 2006. Wolter Wierbos who was with us on the same tour, playing solo trombone sets, makes a guest appearance on two tracks.
The trio's music is based on improvisation to a great extent but also on written materials which serve as fuel, as signposts or as found objects - drawing on sources such as early jazz styles (imagine echoes of Jelly Roll Morton in an improvisatory context!), folkish melodies and contemporary chamber music.
The music of Trio Kamosc exists somewhere in between these seemingly divergent stylistic areas and draws its inspiration from their inherent contradictory aspects, as well.
From my own liner notes:
Although this is our first trio cd, kamosc in effect already has its own history: from the first time I invited Dylan to play with my quartet (January 2002), to his recording date for Songlines (Definition of a Toy) where we recorded two improvised trio pieces, to our European tour in the spring of 2004. Tunes were brought in, some dropped, others picked up again later, and sometimes we would just extemporize.
I can't imagine anyone else other than Michael and Dylan playing this music, as I largely based my compositions on the way we improvise together. We rarely improvise "on forms", instead we spontaneously create forms from the core elements of a piece, and sometimes we deviate from the piece altogether.
Some of the material I brought is perhaps more blatantly "traditional" than anything else I have previously written: New Orleans jazz (Hurricane Katrina had just happened the month before), archaic funk… I am not so much interested in deconstructing these idioms or in using irony; rather, I wanted to include them as part of the musical picture this trio likes to paint, to bring them into the vicinity of more "abstract" playing to show that these worlds can co-exist
Achim Kaufmann - piano
Michael Moore - clarinet, alto saxophone, melodica, elk call
Dylan van der Schyff - drums
photo: gabriele guenther